
lady megaera gortash
chosen of bhaal.





Her hair had previously been chopped almost entirely off by Orin, but has grown back slightly since her months in the Moonrise Colony. Some of the longer pieces have been knotted into braids to keep out of the way -- though not cut, as Kressa the Myrkulite necromancer was measuring the impressive speed of its regrowth. Her clothes are an array of different garments and pieces, as Kressa simply dressed her in whatever she found that would both fit and allow easy access to her body for her experiments. The entirety of her eyes are blood red due to repeat trauma to the head/brain.



About a month and some change has passed since the crash. Her hair has continued to grow longer, and her eyes continue to heal, now appearing a shade closer to their proper hue. Emboldened by her victory against the Goblins (and her claiming of the vampire Astarion), she decides to rob the Goblin camp for some real armor. Now properly protected, she is ready to brave the Underdark -- and eventually Moonrise Towers. By the time they reach the Shadow Cursed Lands, her hair has grown out more, resulting in the second style.



Home at last. The farther in she went, the more she remembered. It was only after a run in with Orin at the Circus of the Last Days did her memory finally return to her. Her eyes have finally healed entirely and returned to their normal colors -- just in time for their unexpected appointment with Lord Enver Gortash himself. She explored the halls of Wyrm's Rock as if her feet knew them by heart, eventually winding up in the bedroom she'd shared with her husband. She dawned her old clothes and remembered her favorite hair style, and the Archduchess had returned once again.



Bhaalist Era

Extra Details


She has a "corset piercing" along her lower back. This is not optional in her design.

Art Color Key


Please use these colors when drawing her.

Game model key


Either gold or black lip ring options are fine, but the gold one is preferred! Her face scales are also 100% optional (:


scantily camp outfit
demon eyes - eye color collection
astralite's hair color supplement
gortash's gift
strangely familiar ring
p4 bangs bangs everywhere
kay's hair extensions
alternate tiefling tails
basket full of equipment (nsfw)
alternate horns for tieflings
kylin's heads
y-shaped autopsy scars
bububull's hair pack
modular skirts (jaheira)
scantily outfit seporator
dawn maiden outfit
veils of faerun
tasha's cauldron of hairstyles
basket of bhaalist loot

carrd by mari


NAME: Lady Megaera Gortash (Vynn)NICKNAMES / ALIASES: The Archduchess, The Lady of the GateAGE: Late 20's - Early 30'sDATE OF BIRTH: 24th KythornGENDER & PRONOUNS: Female, she/theyORIENTATION: PansexualOCCUPATION: Politician, Leader of the Cult of BhaalRACE: Tiefling (Pureblood Bhaalspawn)CLASS: Draconic SorcererALIGNMENT: Neutral EvilWEAPON OF CHOICE: Daggers


HEIGHT: 5’2"HAIR: Dark mauve, on the more purple side, long and often in braids or in a bun on her headEYES: Red scleras, grey Iris, red pupilsSCARS: She has many scars from her life as a Bhaalspawn, the most notable being the one across her right eye and on the left side of her chin(Post Tadpooling: She has a Y shaped autopsy scar on her chest.)PIERCINGS: Ears, lip, and a corset piercingTATTOOS: A veeery small Black Hand of Bane. Where? She'll never tell you (:DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:
- Dual horns on either side of her head, going from a rust brown-red color to a bloody red shade
- Freckles covering her body
- Rarely seen without her choker or ring, both gifts from her husband


- Bhaal, God of Murder
- Orin the Red
- Lord Enver Gortash (Husband)


- Quick Witted
- Charismatic
- Passionate
- Short Tempered
- Possessive
- Manipulative
DISPOSITION: Megaera, at first glance, is just as charming as her husband. An easy smile of her own, she's able to set those around her at ease with a turn of her lips. Persuasive and intelligent, she prefers to talk her way to what she wants as opposed to using force -- she would never waste that energy on those she deems unworthy. To be killed by her was an honor that her fellow politicians didn't deserve.Her voice is light and melodic, though it holds a tremble of thunder somewhere deep within. In meetings and among patriars, she's light hearted and always quick to a joke. She is often the first to arrive and the last to leave -- her public image is important to her.When among Bhaalists, she is a confident leader. There's an inhuman allure when she leads rites and rituals, as if one cannot look away. Her tone and presence demand respect and she will settle for no less.She is very much a Cersei Lannister meets Margery Tyrell type of character.


- The Slayer : A unique form that especially dedicated Bhaalspawn may assume
- Hellish Resistance : Tiefling heritage lessens the damage done by fire
- Darkvision : Ability to see in darkness
- Skilled Killer : Highly trained in the ways of killing and combat
- Poison Resistance : Has built up a tolerance (but not an immunity) for most poisons
STR : 15
DEX : 13
CON : 12
INT : 13
WIS : 13
*CHA : 16
- Luxury. She grew up among the wealth and privilege, and was raised to believe she deserves nothing less. She holds all in her circle, as as well as the Bhaalist Temple, to a high standard.
- Her Slayer form. More often than not, Gortash will find her curled up in it somewhere. She often slips into it when her Urges get too much. It relaxes her Urges to not have to think and to simply be a primal being.
- Cats... She rather likes cats. She yearns to be able to wildshape into a Displacer specifically.
- Anyone going near her husband. Even when they were playing their game of Cat and Mouse in the very beginning, anyone who flirted with or showed interest in Gortash would often wind up dead (fellow lords and ladies were, regrettably, excluded from this).
- When things don't follow a specific set plan. Megaera tries to plan for every outcome, every issue, every hurdle a plan might face. When things don't go according to plan, she becomes frustrated and can lash out.
- The Urge, at times. There are days when she is with her husband, and all she can think of is living a simple life with him as the (corrupted) Archduke/duchess of Baldur's Gate. Her Urge and her Pureblood Bhaalspawn heritage make this impossible.


  • Megaera was not "born", she was spawned using Bhaal's own rotten flesh. She took the form of a tiefling, though her horns & tail signal that there may be more to her than meets the eye.

  • She and Gortash often wear hints of one another in their clothes; She wears a touch of black, he wears a touch of red, and they both share gold.

  • Megaera used to be very close to Orin, and loved her dearly. Even after the events of the game, she mourns the loss of her sister.

  • She and Gortash clicked instantly, meeting first at a political event and then again at the desire of their Gods to become their Chosen. They already had a blossoming allyship by this point, and this only secured it.

  • The scar on her chin was recieved when she and Gortash stole the Crown of Karsus -- which is how he got the one on his chin as well.



  UNDER CONSTRUCTION  Archduchess Megaera Gortash (maiden name Vynn) is the only Pureborn Bhaalspawn in existence. She was formed from Bhaal's own rotten flesh, and was treated by the Cult of Bhaal as their beloved Princess of Murder. She was raised with higher members of the cult in the Upper City, growing up as a member of Baldur's Gate's elites. Scleartis Fel watched over her day and night, guiding her along the path to her dark purpose.Megaera grew into a rather influencial politician, easily swaying the city's patriars to align with her Bhaalist goals and her own self interest. A political gala was where she first met Enver Gortash -- then just an up and coming advisor. They danced around one another all night, both physically and literally, trying to outdo one another with their flirtations and influence. It became a game whenever they would meet at events, though they never pushed passed light flirtations and stolen glances.It wasn't until Bhaal and Bane summoned them together that they learned the truth of one another. They'd just assumed the other was a politician ripe for the manipulating. But now they were bound by their Gods and by a singular purpose: the Hoax of the Absolute. Things between them took off from there and the two took their sweet time pushing forward their Gods' plans, just to be able to spend a little more time together.


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